
Kaisen is a web-based time tracking application with a focus on usability, actionable efficiency metrics, and customizable project management processes.

Why Kaisen?

We focus on the end-user experience and user adoption to promote quick, easy and accurate time tracking

Time Tracking

Simple time tracking can be useful for individuals and teams looking to improve productivity, manage time more effectively, and track progress towards goals. With the right time tracking method and tools, it can be easy to implement and maintain.



Advanced reporting and filtering tools allow users to analyse even the largest of data sets in order to extract actionable business performance and employee utilization metrics.


Project Management

Highly configurable project management workflows allow users to stay on top of the project progress, budget allocation vs usage, and individual task completion.



With the ability to categorize users, projects and customers into their own distict groupings, users are able to utilize these categorizations to create more useful data conclusions, faster.
